Cost Analysis
Cost Analysis is a unique method of projecting costs and assessing employee circumstances from the very outset of each individual relocation, before any expense has been incurred. The system captures and itemises every element of potential disbursements and management fees allowing you, our client to fully understand the possible cost implications and assist with relocation budgeting. In addition the ‘Cost Analysis’ will provide you with a complete overview of your employee’s current circumstances with solutions to potential difficulties, and forward a tailor-made relocation package for consideration.
- Total transparency on potential expenditure from the outset ensuring client is fully aware of all potential costs.
- Maximises use of relocation budgets ensuring services used are targeted correctly on individual cases.
- Early identification of potential issues avoiding last minute decisions and abortive relocations.
- Offers opportunity to cap, remove or add items of expenditure before relocation is confirmed to your employee, avoiding future disputes.